Most important functions of clip2gif can be called from an external program directly from C code, thanks to the Fragment Manager. Currently, only PowerPC code is supported. To take advantage of this,
1) Add LoadClip2Gif.c to your project
2) Include LoadClip2Gif.h where appropriate
3) At the beginning of your program (typically after the toolbox initialization, but before any call to clip2gif), initialize the link to clip2gif with
err = LoadClip2Gif();
if (err != noErr)
// oops!
4) Call any of the functions defined in LoadClip2Gif.h
5) Put clip2gif onto the same volume (or the same folder if you have kept older versions) as your program
6) Enjoy
Legal Stuff
clip2gif Fragment Manager support files are
Copyright 1995, Yves Piguet. All rights reserved.
Support for the use of clip2gif via the Fragment Manager is provided as is, without any warranty. This is actually the case for the whole clip2gif distribution, but is especially true here.
LoadClip2Gif.c and LoadClip2Gif.h can be used in any program and distributed without restrictions in compiled form. In source form, they may be distributed only with the whole distribution of clip2gif, under the terms described in the clip2gif license. clip2gif itself may not be included in any other package.
Yves Piguet
Chablière 35
1004 Lausanne
No promise of support, but comments (especially about successful use!) and URLs welcome.